Amazon Audit
Your Amazon store isn't converting?
Not sure why?
Our E-commerce is our new online real estate, yet with major retailers moving online the competition is more fierce and you must bring your A-game!
So you've set up your Amazon store, yet it's not converting. No sales!
Let our amazon brand strategist review your account to see where you are potentially leaving money on the table. We'll assess your storefront and share ways to instantly start converting sales on Amazon from the millions of shoppers who use the platform daily. No need to be leaving coins behind!
To compete today, you need to be laser-focused on discovering and aligning your website to the goals of your consumers. Purchase this Amazon audit and Tara Darnley or a team member will bring down the below via a Pre-Recorded Video and tips on how to fix, edit, and improve your website.
Who is this Audit Ideal for?
- Entrepreneurs
- Small Business Owners
- Brand Owners
- Personal Brands
- and any brand that needs to promote their business online
Why Should You Buy from Tara Darnley?
- Runs Multiple Successful Ecommerce Online businesses
- Ingenious Branding & Marketing Experience
- Innovation Strategist
- Top Product Seller on Amazon
- Seen on the Steve Harvey Show, Forbes, Essence, Black Enterprise & More
- Professional
- Product Development Expert & Inventor
Disclaimer: This service doesn't guarantee increased sales over any given time period or will Dreams Inspire Reality to be held accountable for lack of sales based on the review given.
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